Sunday, October 3, 2010

Abby the Entreprenuer- Water Stand

"WOTR" (i initially thought she had spelled it "WOTA"- yay for a Maine/Boston accent!!- but,, alas, upon closer inspection the last letter was indeed 'R')

And this sign on the desk was her way of writing "25 cents".
She actually did sell all but one of the bottles. However- she did not end up charging the $52 as written on the sign.


the phipps said...

Wow! She looks so grown up. She's smart to do bottle water now that the the health department shuts down lemonade stands :)

bigmimi said...

Is it still hot out there in Aurora? Grampa Herms would appreciate the entrepreneuuuuurrrr spirit (spoken with a serious French accent please) Go Abby!

Anonymous said...

I like the desk.

I recommend a name of "School House Water"
or "School Yard Water"


[Morgan] said...

i would paid $52 for a water bottle from that favorite redhead of mine.
i would.

Linda Lee said...

I feel bad she only sold 1 bottle after all her effort. She looks so adorable and proud. Hopefully she'll make another effort next Spring/Summer. Thanks for the update,,

Sara Denoncourt said...

Love it!! Missing ALL of you!