Friday, June 6, 2008


I love having a backyard. There are several things we need to do to make it more "enjoyable". I'd love a patio dining table & chairs, a firepit for s'mores, a swingset and kiddie pool, a fence, a garage/storage shed, a potting bench, a garden and a HOT TUB! Right now we have 3 big black walnut trees that provide us with a ton of shade and privacy, a fairly large concrete slab on which we put our mismatched collections of oudoor furniture and our little grill, and a small shed. I can't believe how much time and money little projects around the house and yard actually take! Well, maybe we can get some things crossed off the wish list next year...

Here are a couple pictures of the kids enjoying the backyard. Colby loves our fanstastically white trash swing "setup" (what you can't see in this picture is the chain we have strung up between the two trees to hang the swing on) and here is Abby hanging out on her new picnic table.


Anonymous said...

That swing is not white trash- it's innovative!

jane maynard said...

I'm SERIOUSLY jealous of your backyard

Anonymous said...

I remeber a tire swing on a certain about(.....) trash. I'm sure certain people still remember good times on that. It's ALL about the good times ....I still know where that little tire is...

Anonymous said...

good girl up on the table where the eating is done, spread your legs, let me take your panties off and eat your lovely kydypussy