Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Abby's first day of Kindergarten

We had lots of fun getting Abby ready for school this year. Starting off a month ago with her very first eye exam with Dr. Gail May. She came out of that appointment wanting to for sure be an eye doctor when she grows up. The staff there was really good with kids. Next came her kindergarten doctors exam on Sunday with a brand new doc we've never met. Turns out Dr. Sunder at Naperville Pediatrics was great and the office staff was sweet. But 4 shots and a finger poke blood draw made for a teary child. She was very proud of herself after all was said and done. She wore those 5 bandaids like badges of honor.

We met with abby's teacher for an hour on Tuesday. Mrs. Paula Loret De Mola is her name. when the teacher was sone speaking to the kids and parents she asked if anyone had any questions. Abby immediately raised her hand and said, "Ummmmmm. Ummmmmm. Ummm. I am going to go to college." That was great said Mrs. L who then asked if ABby could tie her shoes yet. Abby said no. Teacher said- Well I'll help you learn that and a few other things and then you can go off to college, get married, and all that." It was funny.

Here are some pictures of the night before school hot fudge sunday party and getting on the bus. Colby had to participate so he had on a backpack and waited for the bus with her. Later in the day he asked me if I missed Abby. I said "Yah. I do" thinking it was observant of him to ask that. I asked him if he missed abby too. "No. I happy" and his smile showed it.


[Morgan] said...


i can't believe it!

okay, yes i can. but, man time really does fly.

abby looks great, she's going to have such a great time im sure.

ellie's gone all day now, and this morning i asked him if he missed ellie and he smiled and said "nope!" how do they understand the humor in that so young?:)

[Morgan] said...

i asked jonas...

typed that comment really fast i guess:)

Anne W said...

She looks so big!! I can't believe it. Glad the day was so wonderful. Reading this makes me want to be in school too!

jane maynard said...

yea for abby!

I love the red rose smack dab on the top of her head. so cute. :)

seriously, how can it be kindergarten already?!?!

love love love colby's question and funny.

Amanda Maynard said...

Abby looks so grown up in that first picture!

Grandma Hansen said...

I just got back to my computer after two weeks and saw these. I got a little teary. The family looks great----just too far away. Abby looks so cute and seems so sure of herself---college already? But first the shoelaces---so funny. Is that a lunch "bucket"? Does she go all day? And it's good to see that the ice cream parties are carrying on the tradition!

nate said...

"No, I happy." My new favorite line.

Unknown said...

:) Yeah, the morning was so fun! Abby came in and woke us up EARLY. She wanted to get ready for school! So Jess got her in the shower, and they worked together to pick out an outfit. While that was going on I made some waffles, and nobody ate but me (too many nerves!). Then they got her backpack all packed and ready to go. And Colby had to have his backpack, too. So we're finally all ready to go!

And then we had an hour to wait. lol We were ready an HOUR early. lol

Well, we finally got her out to the bus stop (she was so excited about the bus, even though we live about a mile from the school) and on the bus and she was smiling so big the entire time. Well as soon as she left Jess wanted to go take a picture of her getting OFF the bus, and so she took off on her bike to came home happy. All in all a fun day.