Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall Schedules

Life is a bit different with a kid in school! This is what we Hansens are up to:

8:45a M-F Abby catches the bus (right outside the front door!)
3:50p M-F Abby arrives back home.

Tues 9:15-10a Colby & I go to a "mom & tot" sports class at the community center.
Weds 10:30-11:00 Colby has a swim class at DuPage Swimming Center.
Thurs4:30-5:30 Abby has a tumbling/gymnastics class at the community center. Colby & I go to the attached library while she is in class.

We used to do a church playgroup on Weds mornings- but won't be doing that while Colby is in swimming lessons.

Cuyler spends every other week in Toronto for work.

As for me- I think I need to figure out something fun for me to do too! Yoga? Biking? I'm looking for some suggestions for "me" time. Not scrapbooking. Maybe baking?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your week is pretty full already, but if your looking for ideas
I'm sure we can come up with a few.

pretty soon you could be a girl scout leader.


JLB Family said...

I can't believe how big Abby looks. I am glad you have stuff to do. It is nice to be busy. Maybe quilting? ;)

bigmimi said... (sounds like toga), flower arranging, cooking class, swimming, photography, and breadmaking! Can I go?

Three Peas said...

I have an adventurous friend who would suggest you take up belly-dancing, train for a 5 or 10k, watch all the films that won "best picture" starting in the 1920's, or interviewing interesting people. My dad would tell you to start an ant farm. Annie joined a book club and also volunteered at the public library to read to children during their story hour. I host kid-free dinner parties about once a season or three times a year, and I'm hoping to take up the guitar at some point. My friend, Avery, recently took trapeze lessons! My friend's 60-yr old mom learned a new language and became scuba certified. If you want to be more philanthropic, there are some cool places to volunteer almost anywhere you live. Good luck!!

Unknown said...

I like the baking idea. Or belly dancing! lol (Could I lol or would that be rude?)

Anonymous said...

I would probably take a class if I were you. Whatever you do, just make sure YOU enjoy it! Love and miss you! -SB

jane maynard said...

baking and yoga sound good to me!

Christian said...

I like that you preempted anyone suggesting you scrapbook.